Selecting the Right Aggregates

Selecting the right aggregates ensures strength, durability, and stability of a house construction project. Here are some factors to consider when selecting the right aggregate: 
  • Size: The size of the aggregate should be appropriate for the type of construction project. Coarse aggregates are typically used in foundations, while fine aggregates are used in plastering and finishing work. 
  • Shape: The shape of the aggregate particles should be angular or cubical, as this improves their interlocking and bonding properties. 
  • A Clean Product:The aggregate should be free of any dirt, debris, or organic matter, as these can weaken the concrete or mortar. 
  • Gradation:The aggregate should be well-graded, with a mix of particle sizes that allows for good compaction and maximum density. 
  • Crushing Value: The aggregate should have a low crushing value, which indicates good resistance to crushing and abrasion. 
  • Specific Gravity:The specific gravity of the aggregate should be within the range of 2.4 to 3.0, as this ensures good bonding with the cement. 
  • Absorption: The absorption capacity of the aggregate should be low, so that the concrete or mortar does not absorb too much moisture, leading to cracking and deterioration over time. 
  • Durability: The aggregate should be durable and resistant to wear and tear, especially in regions with high rainfall or extreme weather conditions. 
  • Source:Always purchase aggregate from reputed, licensed suppliers to ensure that it is not contaminated or compromised in any way.