
Ambuja Plus

An innovative formulation, Ambuja Plus is an exceptional grade PPC cement made using the SPE (Special Performance Enhancer) technology, which extracts the silicate gel present in the cement to give your construction enhanced strength, increased density and superior resistance to leakage.

Why Ambuja Plus?

Enhanced Strength. Stronger and denser concrete

Superior strength, enhanced density, and remarkable resistance to leaks, Ambuja Plus is a groundbreaking PPC cement designed to elevate the standards of durability and reliability in every build.
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Extra StrongExtra Strong

High Strength

Made using SPE (Special Performance Enhancer) technology, Ambuja Plus ensures great strength with 100% extraction of silicate gel from the cement.

Dense ConcreteDense Concrete

Dense Concrete

The SPE (Special Performance Enhancer) technology makes concrete denser.



The dense property of the concrete makes it leak-proof.

Excellent FinishExcellent Finish

Excellent Finish & Workability

The easy workability enables to make a smooth concrete mortar giving an excellent finish.

Areas of Application


Foundation Concrete

Give long-term protection to your home’s foundation by safeguarding it from water percolation & the movement of chlorides, sulfates and other harmful salts in concrete

Pre Cast

Beams and Columns

Protect your home from the flow of water molecules that could reach the reinforcement bars and corrode the steel. Keep the important structural elements of your home safe & durable.

road ridges

Brick Masonry

Enjoy excellent workability in cement mortar and carry out masonry work with ease. Also save on material and labour costs, due to less rebound loss

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Frequently Asked Questions

The SPE (Special Performance Enhancer) technology makes concrete denser and enhances its leak-proof property.
Ambuja Plus is ideal for roofs, especially in the regions where rainfall is heavy, weather is humid and inconsistent.
Ambuja Plus offers excellent finish and workability as its denser in consistency.

About Ambuja Plus

Designed to build your home with lasting strength, Ambuja Plus Cement is stronger, denser and leak-proof. A roof-special cement, this product effectively resolves common roof problems caused due to exposure the rain, humidity and other elements that compromise the strength and stability of roofs.

Ambuja Plus is made using the SPE (Special Performance Enhancer) technology, which results in 100% extraction of silicate gel from the cement to give that extra strength to any construction. It also helps in achieving a denser concrete that makes the structure leak proof and the butter like finish of the end result is an added advantage!

The Ambuja Cement technical expert will guide you in your home-building journey to make a proportionate mixture with Ambuja Plus that will not only yields the best result but also guarantees the durability and long-term performance of your construction project.