Ambuja Cement

Ambuja RailCem

Ambuja Railcem is a specialised cement product specifically engineered to meet the unique requirements and challenges of railway construction, ensuring the durability and reliability of rail-related structures.

Why choose Ambuja Railcem?

High Stability. Durable

Rail infrastructure faces constant wear and tear due to heavy loads, vibrations, and environmental factors. Hence, Ambuja Railcem ensures superior durability and reliability for rail-related structures. Its exceptional strength and stability make it an ideal choice for constructing tracks, platforms, and other critical railway components thereby contributing to safe and reliable railway networks.
why choose ambujacement


Leakage Leakage

Strong and Durable Construction

Excellent strength, providing the necessary stability and capacity required for railway tracks, bridges, and other railway infrastructure.

Durability Durability

High Early Strength

Develops significant strength quicker, reducing construction time and costs.

Areas of Application


Specially-designed for railway infrastructure

Ambuja RAILCEM is a High Compressive Strength Cement specially designed for Casting Prestressed Concrete Railway Sleepers

Group 117

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Frequently Asked Questions

High strength, enhanced durability, superior bonding properties, and resistance to environmental factors, ensure reliable and long-lasting performance in railway construction projects.
Ambuja Railcem is specifically formulated to meet the unique requirements of railway infrastructure. It has properties that are tailored to withstand heavy loads, vibrations, and other stresses associated with railway operations.
High early strength refers to the property of cement to develop significant strength rapidly after its initial setting and curing period, allowing for faster construction progress.