Quality of the Cement at the Site


Here are some ways in which you can test the quality once the cement:

ISI Mark

ISI Mark reassures you that the quality of cement meets the requirements as per Indian standards. Do check for the ISI mark on the stock, when it arrives. 

Rub Test

Take a pinch of cement between your fingers and rub it. It should feel smooth while rubbing. If it is rough, that means it has been adulterated with sand. 

Manufacturer & Trademark name

Check the manufacturer’s name and its registered trademark. If the name and trademark are not properly printed or there is any spelling mistake, then the cement bag might not be genuine. 

Temperature Test

Put your hand into the cement bag and if you get a cool sensation. It indicates that no hydration reaction is taking place in the bag.  


Ensure that the bag has no lumps in it. Lumps are formed due to the presence of moisture in cement and good/fresh cement has no lumps.  

Colour of Cement

Good cement is always uniform in colour.  

Date of manufacture

The strength of the cement is reduced by 40-50%, a year after manufacturing. Cement should be used within 90 days from the date of manufacture. 

Cube testing at authorised labs

The most recommended and accurate way of testing the quality of cement is through cube testing at NABL-accredited labs.  

Float Test

Throw a small quantity of cement in a bucket of water. It should sink and should not float on the surface. 


Avoid using hooks on the bag as it can damage the bag leading to loss of cement.