Cement Storage

Cement bags should be stored in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated place to prevent moisture absorption and deterioration.

Here are some recommended steps for storing cement bags:

Elevate the storage area

Keep the storage area elevated from the ground to prevent moisture from seeping in.

Stack bags properly

Stack the cement bags on pallets or wooden platforms to prevent damage and allow air to circulate around them. Do not stack bags too high, as this could pose a safety hazard.

Protect from weather

Store the bags under a roof or covered area to protect them from direct exposure to weather.

Rotate stock

Regularly rotate the stock, using the oldest bags first, to avoid spoilage. 

Avoid moisture

Make sure the storage area is well-ventilated to prevent moisture build-up. If possible, install a dehumidifier to further reduce moisture levels.

Label bags

Label the bags with the date of manufacture and expiry to keep track of their age and prevent using outdated bags.

Maintain cleanliness

Keep the storage area clean and free from any materials that can cause contamination, such as oil, grease, or chemicals.